Kaitlyn Quirke
Navy Marine Mammal Program Internship
Lab & Field Experience
Work Experience
Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint
Laboratory Skills: microscopy, pipetting, dissections, centrifuging, biochemical assay, spectophotometry, bacteria plating
Field Skills: populations counts via quadrat/transect, species identification, behavioral identification through videography, animal diet preparation, animal handling
University of Rhode Island
Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
Relevant Coursework: Principles of Biology I & II, Marine Biology, Ecology, General Genetics, Vertebrate Biology, General Chemistry I & II, Organic Chemistry I, Seminar on Marine Mammals
URI in Florida: Keys Marine Laboratory
March 2016
Field and coursework at Keys Marine Laboratory (Long Key, Florida)
Description: Extensive field and course with within the Florida Keys reef system, Dolphin Research Center, and Turtle Hospital supported by Keys Marine Laboratory. Work focused on coral reef restoration, invasive species, and marine mammal conservation. The final project produced a documentary-style video focusing on the importance of community involvement in current conservation issues.
University of Leeds
Jan. 2017- Jun. 2017
Semester Abroad
Relevant coursework: Animal Physiology, Animal Behavior, Animal Developmental Biology, Biology of the mind, Organismal Evolution
Black Rock State Park Campground Staff/Admissions
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
June 2015- June 2017
Responsible for camper registration, answering phone calls, maintenance upkeep of office area, working with colleagues to inform and enforce important environmental safety regulations
Responsible for collecting admissions fees, enforcing important safety regulations, assisting customers in a timely and efficient manner
Honors and Awards
GPA: 3.62
Student Researcher
University of Rhode Island
Sept. 2016- Dec. 2016
Conducted independent research project under Dr. Justin Richard investigating the role of facial expressions in Delphinapterus leucas social interactions
Identifying the importance of involving community-based research methods in the field of animal behavioral science
Animal Care & Training Intern
Navy Marine Mammal Program
Sept. 2017- Dec. 2017
Assisted training, animal care, and research crews on work with bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions.
Tasks included diet preparation, sanitation of facilities, equipment management, and providing assistance to trainers in sessions when needed
Participated in medical and husbandry procedures
University of Rhode Island Centennial Scholar
University of Rhode Island Dean's List
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Henry L. & Nellie E. Blakeslee Scholarship